Section outline

    • Module 2: The National Focal Points (NFPs) مبحث درسی
    • Quiz M2 آزمون
    • Module 3: Introduction to the UNCCD Reporting Process مبحث درسی
    • Quiz M3 آزمون
    • Course Assignment تکلیف



      The course assignment is the final step for completion of this e-learning. It requires the submission of an exercise as explained below: .

      All participants of the course exercise will be required to:

      1. a)  To find out about the work of various stakeholders in the UNCCD process at the national level,i.e., government,NGOs,CSOs,educationalinstitutionsandthelike,andatwhichlevel the operate, for example, local national, sub-regional and/or regional);

      2. b)  To place the information gathered by undertaking a) above into a pre-designed template and submit the same as their assignment.

      This exercise will boost the scenarios of interaction of the NFPs / participants with their real partners / stakeholders from the different sectors. Moreover, it will strength the partnerships, alignment and involvement into the UNCCD process and its implementation.

      The variety and availability of t stakeholders will obviously differ due to objective factors. Bearing this in mind, the aforementioned pre-designed template will require the participant to fill in the following information:

      1. Type of the participant;

      2. Main areas and level of work;

      3. Programmes / Projects related with the vision / mission of the UNCCD;

      4. List of Partners / Stakeholders.

      The filled pre-designed template will be assessed by the UNCCD – CDIO team, and a score given to the same which shall be added as part of the final score qualifying the participant for a Certificate of Completion.

      Without the submission of the Course assignment, the participant will not be considered for the Certificate of Completion.

      If the participant has a mean average score above 70% in the Quizzes, and a positive feedback from the assessment of the course assignment, he/she will obtain a Certificate of Completion.



    • Course Survey آزمون

      Course Survey

      Enrolled participants shall be invited to participate in a survey to give their feedback on the course and make recommendations for its improvements.

      The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us evaluate your attitudes towards thinking and learning. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.