The UNCCD's National Focal Points (NFPs)
Section outline
Module 2: The National Focal Points (NFPs) مبحث درسی
Quiz M2 آزمون
Module 3: Introduction to the UNCCD Reporting Process مبحث درسی
Quiz M3 آزمون
Course Assignment تکلیف
The course assignment is the final step for completion of this e-learning. It requires the submission of an exercise as explained below: .
All participants of the course exercise will be required to:
a) To find out about the work of various stakeholders in the UNCCD process at the national level,i.e., government,NGOs,CSOs,educationalinstitutionsandthelike,andatwhichlevel the operate, for example, local national, sub-regional and/or regional);
b) To place the information gathered by undertaking a) above into a pre-designed template and submit the same as their assignment.
This exercise will boost the scenarios of interaction of the NFPs / participants with their real partners / stakeholders from the different sectors. Moreover, it will strength the partnerships, alignment and involvement into the UNCCD process and its implementation.
The variety and availability of t stakeholders will obviously differ due to objective factors. Bearing this in mind, the aforementioned pre-designed template will require the participant to fill in the following information:
Type of the participant;
Main areas and level of work;
Programmes / Projects related with the vision / mission of the UNCCD;
List of Partners / Stakeholders.
The filled pre-designed template will be assessed by the UNCCD – CDIO team, and a score given to the same which shall be added as part of the final score qualifying the participant for a Certificate of Completion.
Without the submission of the Course assignment, the participant will not be considered for the Certificate of Completion.
If the participant has a mean average score above 70% in the Quizzes, and a positive feedback from the assessment of the course assignment, he/she will obtain a Certificate of Completion.
Course Survey آزمون
Course Survey
Enrolled participants shall be invited to participate in a survey to give their feedback on the course and make recommendations for its improvements.