Topic outline

  • General

  • Introduction to the 2022 UNCCD Reporting Process

  • Overview of the PRAIS 4 Platform

  • Geospatial reporting in PRAIS 4

  • National Voluntary Targets

  • Strategic Objective 1, Sub-indicator 1 (SO 1-1): Trends in land cover

  • Strategic Objective 1, Sub-indicator 2 (SO 1-2): Trends in land productivity

  • Strategic Objective 1, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 1-3): Trends in carbon stocks above and below ground

  • Strategic Objective 1,Sub-indicator 4 (SO 1-4): Proportion of degraded land over the total land area

  • Strategic Objective 2, Sub-indicator 1 (SO 2-1): Trends in Poverty, (SO 2-2): Trends Access to Water

  • Strategic Objective 2, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 2-3): Trends in the proportion of population exposed to land degradation disaggregated by sex

  • Strategic Objective 3, Sub-indicator 1 (SO 3-1): Trends in the proportion of land under drought over the total land area

  • Strategic Objective 3, Sub-indicator 2 (SO 3-2): Trends in the proportion of the population exposed to drought

  • Strategic Objective 3, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 3-3): Trends in the degree of drought vulnerability

  • Strategic Objective 4, Sub-indicator 2 (SO 4-2) and Strategic Objective 4, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 4-3)

    Strategic Objective 4, Sub-indicator 2 (SO 4-2): Trends in Abundance and Distribution of Selected Species and Strategic Objective 4, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 4-3): Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type. 

    Strategic Objective 4, Sub-indicator 3 (SO 4-3) video starts at 07:34 minutes. 

  • Trends.Earth tutorial on the calculation of SDG Indicator 15.3.1 and trends in population exposed to land degradation.

    Step-by-step tutorial showing Trends.Earth functions to map and monitor land degradation in the context of the Sustainable Development Goal 15.3.1 Indicator (SDG 15.3.1) & the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Strategic Objectives 1. Additionally, the video also shows how to assess UNCCD's Strategic Objective Indicator 2-3 (SO 2-3) "Trends in Population Exposure to Land Degradation Disaggregated by Gender" and indicators for Strategic Objective 3, which aims "to mitigate, adapt to, and manage the effects of drought in order to enhance resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems".

    00:00 Installing Trends.Earth 
    3:48 Registering to Trends.Earth 
    5:03 Settings: Region of Interest and Advanced Options 
    7:22 Trends.Earth new graphical interface 
    8:00 Calculate Sub-indicators for SDG 15.3.1 in one-step 
    13:25 Calculate Sub-indicators individually 
    14:05 Land Productivity sub-indicator 
    18:22 Land Cover sub-indicator 
    20:28 Soil Organic Carbon sub-indicator 
    24:48 Load dataset onto QGIS map area 
    25:45 Indicator for SDG 15.3.1using sub-indicators calculated in one-step 
    29:37 Load base map 
    31:08 Indicator for SDG 15.3.1 using sub-indicators calculated individually 
    33:00 Drought - Vulnerability and Exposure. UNCCD Strategic Objective 3 (SO3) 
    36:00 UNCCD Reporting - Summarize data for reporting 
    37:48 Import local custom dataset 
    42:20 Download raw dataset used in Trends.Earth